An old sketch resurrected to become a new piece

This pencil sketch planned out a mixed media collage piece that was intended to be the next step after my Eight of Swords art piece was finished. While I had actually started this one, as I found some cut out bits and printed images, it never came to fruition because of my illness.
The figure, if you've viewed the pencil drawing of Eight of Swords, should look familiar. This is Arthur, and his presence has been in my artwork for decades, both veiled, and revealed as he is here. In the now lost and incomplete version of Eight of Swords, (as I had started the art final piece) he was standing behind the bound version of me, but holding out a flaming heart as he is here instead of merely standing behind me as he is in the initial sketch.
After I was able to recently scan images from a 100 plus year old scrapbook that I was using as a collage journal, I found an image and accompanying poetry that struck me. Again, a flaming heart, done simply in pastel and pen, was surrounded by words that were addressing me, from him. It was during an attempt at healing and reconciling parts of myself that this art was happening.
All that was put on hold until now.
In reclaiming my health, and reclaiming my old art, I've been flung back into the self reclamation that was trying to take place several years ago.
This is now my next major project. I am combining these two "unfinished" pieces so they can become what they were intended to be.